Get to know our owners and co-founders, Michelle Alonzo and Stacy McHorse, by reviewing their answers to these thirteen questions.

  1. What was your first job?
    • Michelle (M): At 15, I became a gymnastics instructor, because I loved helping young gymnasts learn new skills; their excitement and sense of pride was extremely rewarding.
    • Stacy (S): I worked at the local pizza shop because someone had to wash the dishes.
  2. What is the best part of your job at Kinetic?
    • M: Finding solutions to challenging problems (and any time I get to play detective)
    • S: The people I get to interact with, learn from and help
  3. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
    • M: I don’t know of an existing song that could accurately represent my life, so I’d probably have to create a custom one.
    • S: “Eye of the Tiger”  because I always try to rise up to challenges. This song is my high school theme song and I will forever be a Massillon Tiger.
  4. When you were 13, what did you want to grow up to be?
    • M: An attorney
    • S: I wanted to be a lawyer, because my grandmother always told me that I was the best at arguing my case.
  5. Do you have any secret talents?
    • M: I am a cake artist, like Duff from Ace of Cakes.
    • S: I am very good at cracking snow crab legs and consuming a significant amount of them.
  6. What city did you grow up in?
    • M: Oregon by the Bay, Ohio – City of Opportunity (check out the water tower, it’s legit).
    • S: Massillon, OH – Go Tigers!
  7. What is your favorite vacation spot?
    • M: Anywhere with white sand and clear blue sea, but Sardinia and Greek Islands are top of the list.
    • S: Le Blanc Resort in Cancun, because I have a short attention span, and it offers a quick flight to paradise.
  8. What is your favorite team building activity?
    • M: Conference Room Karaoke; for so many reasons.
    • S: Happy hour; it’s great to relax and have fun with our team.
  9. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    • M: Nachos. Mainly because of their versatility, but also because yum!
    • S: Crab (with a lot of pasta)
  10. What is your favorite local restaurant?
    • M: There are a lot of great restaurants in Fort Wayne now, so it’s really hard to choose one. I really appreciate what the Baker Street family of restaurants has done and continues to do for our community, as well as serving up some extremely delicious food at Baker Street and Hoppy Gnome. I cannot wait to try out Proximo; I am sure it will become a new favorite.
    • S: Local Dish (for their seafood pasta, of course)
  11. What was the first concert you ever went to? How old were you?
    • M: Amy Grant at age 10
    • S: Poison at 16 years young (not representative of my current music taste)
  12. If you were a drink, what would you be?
    • M: I’d be a lemon drop martini; it’s strong, a little sweet and a little sour!
    • S: A dirty martini; it can be a little unexpected.
  13. What motto do you live by?
    • M: Find a way or make one.
    • S: Start each day with gratefulness, and approach each situation with kindness.
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